A pending transaction is when you start a payment or money movement that has not yet finished in your account. It can be a deposit, withdrawal, or payment in process. These transactions change what you have available until they are completed. To learn more about a pending transaction, go here.
Generally, the PENDING amount is the same as the POSTED amount, except for two cases:
- Restaurant: when the waiter/waitress brings you the bill, it is pending for the total before the TIP. When you write in the TIP, the merchant will do a TIP ADJUSTMENT and the POSTED transaction will include the tip.
- Gas station: when you insert your card before filling gas, the gas station authorizes an initial amount (e.g., $100 or $150) which will show as the PENDING amount. After you finish pumping gas, the transaction will be adjusted to the actual amount you paid when it becomes a POSTED transaction.
These state changes from PENDING to POSTED with the adjusted amount usually take 1 day (and at most 2 days)